How do I practice language at home with my child?
If your child has a speech and language delay, you want to do as much as you can to help her! The good news is, helping your child learn language at home does not take any extra time at all.
Speech Therapy Homework – Practicing Articulation at Home
Life is busy! Parents are juggling their own work commitments, home needs, all of their children’s extra-curricular activities, and staying on top of their children’s academic needs. When is there time for speech therapy homework?
Should I Cut My Child’s Tongue Tie?
Some professionals believe that a tongue tie will result in speech delays due to the shorter range of motion possible for the tongue. Due to this belief, there are professionals who perform a surgical procedure called frenotomy, commonly known as tongue tie clipping. But is clipping your child's tongue tie truly necessary?
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a disorder in individuals who have difficulty acquiring the language skills of reading, writing and spelling despite having average to above average intelligence.
How Do I Know if My Child Has Autism?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder which is based on a collection of characteristics. Due to the nature of a “spectrum” disorder, there is varying degrees of severity and presentation of the characteristics associated with ASD. No two children with ASD are alike.
How Do I Know if My Child Is Stuttering?
We frequently hear from parents with children between 2 - 4 years that their child is stuttering. In most cases it is NOT stuttering. The bumpy speech is caused by sudden growth in their preschooler’s language. But real stuttering also starts between the ages of 2-4 years. So how can you tell if it's real stuttering?
Top 5 Considerations When Hiring a Speech-Language Pathologist
Your child or loved one needs a speech-language pathologist. Where do you begin? The internet is saturated with names of sole practitioners or companies offering their speech services. How do you decide which speech-language pathologist to hire for your loved one? Here is a list of the top 5 considerations for hiring a speech-language pathologist.
Speech Therapy Location: Home or Clinic?
A common question that I get from parents who are wondering about the optimal location for speech therapy is: “Should we do it at home or come to your clinic?”. Generally speaking we find that children of all ages do better in ...